Monday, March 25, 2024

Biden in the Vise Between Right and Left in Foreign Policy: A Reprise


 The Reprise

On March 13 I offered an analysis of the ways in which President Joe Biden is challenged by right-wing populists on both border policy and continuing support for the Ukrainian war against Russia. And he is also bedeviled by left-populist in his own party over his refusal to support a ceasefire in Gaza.

I was closing by speculating about whether the left would refuse to vote for Biden over his Gaza stance in November and hand the election to Donald Trump. Here now, is that full last paragraph ...

"Would brown immigrants, POC in general and the young rather blow things up in exasperation or are they just playing a shrewd hand in the war of position inside the Democratic Party to leverage their steadily growing power. These demographics could well vote for Biden in November and come out of the election with yet more power in ways reflecting their growing percentages in the population. And between now and November. let’s not rule out Biden coming to his senses on Israel and Palestine, by forcing both sides to the table to hammer out a two-state solution whereby both nations can live alongside one another with security and in peace."

Since that post, a planned visit to Washington by a high-level Israeli delegation was canceled, when the US announced that it wouldn't veto today's UN Security Council resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza ... Maybe Biden is coming to his senses!!!

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