Sunday, October 15, 2017

                                                  Conservatives, Brothers and the Flag

Vice President Mike Pence walked out during the National Anthem at the Indianapolis Colts game on Sunday because some of the players were continuing their protests by kneeling or locking arms. Pence said that he wouldn't hang around for any action "that disrespects our soldiers, our Flag, or our National anthem

Let me just say that the flag is about more than the US military. It' about the the American national ideas --- life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; liberty and justice for all --- stuff like that. It's also about equality before the law. People who felt that they've been left out of these great ideals have frequently embraced the flag as they fought for inclusion. Martin Luther King was a great example of that. 

When the anthem is playing, its meant to be a time for reflection about those ideals and our love for them. It's a solemn moment, and I believe it's perfectly justifiable to use that moment to make symbolic statements that suggest that the republic is not living up to its ideals. Regarding the Black Lives Matter Movement, pro athletes protesting during the anthem is a brilliant way to make America pay attention to an issue that it has consistently ignored. If we don't get it right, we could lose the sport that more of us spend more time and money supporting than any other. That 70% of the NFL that's African American are not unaffected by what goes on in their communities. They have a lot of power in the market place to push for concessions from society and government that they like to see.

What a great Achilles Heel the players have revealed. A society that continues to operate on the basis of institutional racism, being pushed to the wall by Black gladiator class, at pain of losing it most precious leisure time activity. I can't wait to see whee this goes ... I'm all in with the brothers!

1 comment:

  1. Just goes to show that "conversations about race" are as likely as red ants and black ants sitting down to discuss socoal integration. Far better to learn the lesson that ethnic groups with economic power bases fair better n this country. Of course a sense of one's culture helps. Don't have a culture? Then you don't have a cohesive economic base to operate from. Anything you accomplish without a culture will lack the qualities of economic growth and endurance.
